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1. What is a Workshop?

In the context of the 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020), a workshop is an interactive session that promotes and enhances opportunities for knowledge transfer, skills development and collaborative learning.

2. How do Workshops differentiate from Symposia?

Workshops differ from symposia and other conference sessions because they:

  • Promote and enhance opportunities for knowledge transfer, skills development and collaborative learning

  • Are held in smaller rooms, which facilitates greater audience participation

  • Use interactive tools, such as small group exercises, discussion and role play, to offer a more interactive experience

  • Are targeted at specific audiences

  • Are 90 or 150 minutes in duration

  • Have at least three

3. How long are the workshop sessions?

Workshops can last up to either 90 minutes or 150 minutes.

4. How many workshops will be there at AIDS 2020?

About 30 workshops will be selected to be part of the AIDS 2020 programme.

5. Who selects the workshops?

The workshop reviewers are your peers: scientists, activists, policy makers, healthcare workers, community activists, educators and other stakeholders working in areas related to HIV. The reviewers are experienced and knowledgeable, and will be evaluating the strength of workshop proposals based on clearly defined criteria. When drafting your proposal try to put yourself in the place of the reviewer to anticipate the likely questions or comments they might make about the proposal. For example, you do not want the reviewers to have difficulty understanding what you propose to do and how you will do it. The best proposals will be clear, concise and rewarding to read.

The Workshops Working Group (WWG) then selects the top reviewed workshops. The WWG is made up of five members from the AIDS 2020 organizing committees, including one Conference Coordinating Committee (CCC) member, two Community and Leadership Programme Committee (CLPC) members and two Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) members. The selected workshops are placed into one of three focus areas: community, leadership or science.

6. Who organizes the sessions?

Submitters of a workshop proposal on the online submission system will need to designate three facilitators who will be available and qualified to animate the workshop. They will also need to nominate two back-up facilitators in the application. In addition to the facilitators selected by the applicants, a point person will be assigned by the AIDS 2020 organizing committees and the WWG, who will provide guidance in the workshop development process. The International AIDS Society Secretariat will also be supporting with the development, coordination and on-site support of the session.

7. May I submit a workshop proposal for AIDS 2020?

The organizers of AIDS 2020 welcome workshop proposal submissions through the online submission system available from the conference website. Submissions are open from 1 November 2019 to 14 January 2020.

8. How can I submit a workshop proposal for AIDS 2020?

You will need to create a  before submitting a workshop proposal. One or more proposals can be submitted through the conference profile.

To submit workshop proposals, please log in to your conference profile and click on the “Workshops” field in the Overview tab. You will see a link to enter the workshops submission system.

In the workshops submission system, please follow the steps outlined to create and submit your workshop proposal.

To navigate in the workshops submission system, please use the “Next step” buttons or the upper menu bar. For detailed instructions about the abstract submission system, please click on “HELP” in the upper menu bar.

After an abstract has been created, modifications can be made at any time until the submission deadline. After submission, the abstract submitter will receive a confirmation email. This email will contain the workshop reference number. Please refer to this reference number in all communications with the AIDS 2020 Secretariat.

9. When is the submission deadline for workshops?

Submissions for workshop proposals will close on 14 January 2020 at 23:59 Central European Time.

10. What information is required to submit a workshop proposal?

You will need to provide details on the following areas when submitting a workshop proposal online:

  • Workshop category

  • Level (foundation, intermediate or advanced)

  • Workshop title (maximum of 50 words)

  • Workshop proposal (maximum of 300 words)

  • Learning objectives

  • Format

  • Materials

  • Target audience

  • Key or vulnerable population

  • Regional focus

  • Number of participants

  • Language

  • Duration

11. How can I create a strong proposal ?

It is important to craft an eye-catching and informative workshop title and proposal and to describe the experience of the lead facilitator.

Workshop title (maximum of 50 words): The workshop title is important. You will need to provide a clear understanding and picture of the workshop. Try to make it interesting, engaging and descriptive, in 50 words or less and in sentence case (lower case) format.

Workshop proposal (maximum of 300 words): The strongest workshop proposals will communicate a clear sense of the workshop, its goals, objectives and plans to either transfer knowledge to or increase the skills of the conference delegates. The workshop content should be current, supported by research and consistent with best practices. The best workshop proposals will follow this format:

  • Learning objectives: It can be helpful to begin by stating a need or problem to be addressed by your workshop. Specify what skills you expect participants to learn and/or be able to apply in measurable, realistic and time-bound terms. The description should engage the reader and promote interest. Learning objectives allow participants to assess what they will gain from attending your workshop and whether they will want to attend it. Workshops with clear objectives will have a better chance of being selected.

  • Format: Provide an outline of the methodology to be used in each section, from introduction to conclusion. For example, identify discussion versus small group work, case study, demonstration, role play, small group activities and problem-based learning. Also, be sure to include timeframes for each activity and provide an outline of the time allocated for each section of the workshop. A good workshop will maintain interest and utilize various interactive methods to keep participants interested and engaged throughout. We recommend that you conduct action planning with participants to ensure that delegates can follow up with you as they implement what they learned to improve their practice.

  • Materials: Specify the types of handouts or other materials that will be provided to attendees during the workshop.

Facilitator experience/expertise (200 words max): Provide details of any relevant professional experience to support your application. Consider including concrete information on subject matter expertise, presentation and communication skills, training methods and/or outcomes illustrating behaviour change. If possible, include a URL link that demonstrates the expertise of the suggested lead facilitator. Strong facilitators are essential for the successful delivery of workshops, and past experience in workshop facilitation at conferences will be considered.

12. When will I be notified if my workshop proposal has been successful?

All submitters (successful and unsuccessful) will be notified by email by the end of March or in early April 2020.

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