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Scholarship programme

1. What will happen to the AIDS 2020 scholarship programme?

If you applied for a scholarship, your application will still be considered and the programme remains a core part of AIDS2020: Virtual. Increased support will be provided to selected scholarship recipients in the form of:

  • Full access to AIDS 2020: Virtual

  • Enriched and tailored remote content providing educational opportunities before and during the conference

  • Dedicated support from the Scholarships and Technical team

The same criteria will apply, and notifications will be sent to all applicants in the course of April.

2. What if I have applied for the Media Scholarship?

Registration is free of charge for all accredited media delegates. The credentials you provided in your media scholarship application will serve for your application for media accreditation to access AIDS 2020: Virtual.

3. If  I have questions about my scholarship who should I talk to?

For enquires about your scholarship status, please contact the AIDS 2020: Virtual Scholarship team.

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